Together for a good cause – Charity auction by Hensel & Calvin Hollywood
Right at the beginning of the year 2017 we did something good as a community:
On January 11, 2017 the management and a part of the team “Together for a good cause” of Hensel visited Elterninitiative tumor- und leukämiekranker Kinder e.V..
It is a German parent initiative for children who suffer from cancer in Würzburg, Germany.
With happy faces we handed Karin Rost, authorised representative of the executive board, a donation cheque of EUR 605,00 € worth.
The professional photographer, digital artist and trainer Calvin Hollywood made this campaign possible. He signed his Hensel Integra 500 Plus flash head and provided it at eBay in terms of an auction.
Many thanks to René Rabenbauer who made the amount of the cheque possible:
„I recevied the shipment in a perfect condition.
The flash head is virtually new and works perfectly.
Thanks for all the nice additions!
I nearly forgot about the auction. Because of my predefined offer – and with a little luck -, I got the device.
I was thrilled to get the flash head – signed by Calvin Hollywood!
Furthermore I am pleased that something good will be done with the amount – to help seriously ill children. Maybe there will be much more donations for this great organisation!
The signature by Calvin will not be removed of course!
Now it is time to test the new equipment extensively.
I am really looking forward to it.“
Since two years René Rabenbauer is working for Fotostudio Wöhrstein in Singen, Germany:
„Besides cameras and camera accessories for photo-inspired people, I also sell light equipment for emerging photographers and hobbyists. Moreover, we take unique pictures and offer every customer to learn more about photography and a capable service for any problem or question a customer has.
With us you are at the right address.“
THANKS TO EVERYONE who took part and supported this project!
Special thanks to Calvin Hollywood, René Rabenbauer und the team of Elterninitiative tumor- und leukämiekranker Kinder.
Any further donation to the parent initiative helps – Please help:
“We can not change the diagnosis, but we can have a positive impact on the environment.”
– Elterninitiative tumor- und leukämiekranker Kinder Würzburg e.V