Hensel-Visit on Facebook

facebook_enOn our new Facebook page we share with you what is going on in the Hensel world, like making-of images, videos, events and workshops, and all kinds of other things about photography and lighting.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Find us at www.facebook.com/hensel.visit!


  • I used your products for years now. Would want more information if possible. I want the best and your product is the best out there. Keep it up….

  • HENSEL-VISIT GmbH & Co. KG says:

    Hello Mr. Escanelle,

    thank you so much for your kind words!
    Is there anything particular you want to know more about? Which country do you live in?

    For questions and inquiries of all kind you can also write to info@hensel.de, we are glad if we can help you!

    Best regards